Challenge #15 (part 2)
Look at the scans below and answer the multiple choice questions.
1. What is the typical age group for DNET?
a) 0-20 year olds
b) 21-40 year olds
c) 41-60 year olds
d) > 60 year olds
e) None of the above
2. What feature of a DNET is most suggestive?
a) Enhancement
b) Spread to the dura
c) “Bubbliness”
d) Variegated appearance
e) All of the above
3. What is the most common pathology to account for temporal lobe epilepsy?
a) Mesial temporal sclerosis
b) Neoplasm
c) Arteriovenous malformations of any kind including cavernoma
d) Stroke
e) Infection
Be sure to submit your answers for a chance to win a special prize!